ROTI TO OT’ – A surgical satire by a budding female Plastic Surgeon


The extent I’m going, to is to write an article about having no time to make ‘Roti’ as I’m always in OT (well, sort of).

While being exposed to surgery, I came across two contradictory viewpoints from my mentors- whereas one was of the view that the ‘surgical field is not for girls’ while the other opined that there is no such thing as a ‘female/male surgeon’, a Surgeon is a Surgeon. Period.

Maybe the former surgeon assumed I should be making ‘spicy paneer wraps’ in the kitchen and so I wouldn’t be able to ‘wrap up’ surgeries independently in the future.
Talking about wraps (my mouth watering already) I remember a recent conversation I had with a progressive colleague. I asked him what encourages him to cook so well. He gave me a beautiful correlation between surgery and cooking.

A cook plans the meal, checks if the veggies are just right, chops the veggies in the right size and shape, stirs them well with the addition of ingredients, checks if it tastes just right, garnishes for presentation, and voila! Savory dish is ready to serve.
Likewise, a Surgeon examines a patient, runs investigations to see if the patient is fit for surgery, pre-operatively plans the surgery, gives incisions and mobilizes the tissues, manages complications (if any), dresses the wound, and there you go! The patient is ready to take on the world.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing erroneous in making ‘Roti’ but when misogynistic societal contractors feel they can dictate women her position is completely intolerable.

When Lord Almighty has given the supreme power and responsibility to a female to nurture ‘the magic life’ in her womb for 9 months, who are we to command her to succumb to societal expectations?

I read an article online about gender bias in surgery and one of the female residents was told ‘There are 2 types of female surgeons – one who isn’t a surgeon and another who isn’t a female, decide who you are?’

Well, I’d like to reframe it –‘there is just 1 type of female surgeon – one that’ll save your life!’ (And who knows might even make a ‘gol roti’)
It astonishes me how we all have been anthropologically conditioned into believing that women have to be submissive, shy, good girl who has a smile plastered on their face 24/7.

Well, I’ll tell you what a real modern woman is – she is assertive, strong, and independent and can manage her professional as well as her personal life equally well.

A real man on the other hand won’t be threatened by a such female, rather will nurture the team’s effort to achieve greater heights in the field of saving humanity.

I consider myself extremely lucky for I have been raised in a household where women are treated equally and have a professional environment where the surgeon is a surgeon.

Like Coco Chanel once said ‘Keep your heels, head, and standard high’.


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About the author

Dr. Chahat Verma is a fourth-year resident at the Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. She loves painting in her free time which drew her towards being a plastic surgeon as she believes that enables her "to create art in the OT" on a daily basis.



  • Dr. Chahat Verma Verma July 3, 2023 at 7:21 am

    Thankyou! ??

  • Anita Gupta September 11, 2023 at 12:30 pm

    What a great parallelism highlighted by you between Roti and OT!! Too good ?

