In the early hours of the 6th of August, 1945, a bomb was dropped on the unsuspecting citizens of a little-known city in Japan called Hiroshima. The citizens’ lives were devastated while the city itself went on become immortal in the annals of history. This bomb forever altered the balance of world power, reshaped geopolitics, and changed the way wars would be waged and treaties negotiated for years to come.
The movie ‘Oppenheimer’ is about the Father of the atomic bomb and chronicles his life. It also details the journey that its’ creators had to undertake and the ethical and moral conflict that the ‘success’ of the bomb created in its’ aftermath.
A young theoretical physicist with an almost eerie prescience about the power of the atom, J. Robert Oppenheimer was recruited in 1942 by the American Military to lead the team which would create a nuclear bomb. Born to Jewish immigrants from Germany, he was a Harvard graduate with a doctorate from Gottingen, Germany, and later worked as Professor at Berkeley. His close association and professional engagement with Heisenberg, Fermi, Teller, and Paulii who were some of the foremost scientific minds of that time was inspiring to him. Chain-smoking, garrulous, a genius with languages, and a natural charmer, he was also a serial philanderer.