India’s Vaping Ban!
Among the many firsts, India became one of the first countries to completely ban vaping or the use of. Continue reading
IIT Kanpur to Merge Engineering with Medicine
The prestigious IIT-Kanpur has announced the setting up of its own 500-bed medical college and dedicated centre. Continue reading
National Dengue Epidemic Declared in Philippines
The Philippines declares a National Dengue Epidemic due to the rising number of cases since January 2019.
The Furore About Article 370
It’s been a week and the matter is far from being settled. The uproar about the abrogation of Article 370 has. Continue reading
NMC Bill- A Difficult Pill to Swallow?
After the Medical Council of India (MCI) was dissolved in the year 2010 and was proposed to be replaced by the. Continue reading
Merging Humans with AI
Talk of ambitious projects and visions in today's era, your mind will most likely throw up the name Elon. Continue reading
Doctors who got Elected!
India’s Lok Sabha elections that were conducted in April and May 2019 and after a month and a half of. Continue reading
Remembering The Most Celebrated Architect of the Past Century
Ieoh Ming Pei, the master architect who designed the unorthodox glass and steel pyramid at the entrance of the. Continue reading