
Reduced humidity in the air and inactivity contribute significantly to reduced immunity during winters which may result in several illnesses.

Here are some tips to nip health problems in the bud when the weather turns nippy!

Take care of your skin:

Insignificant though it may sound, dry cracked skin can cause many an injury and infection. So, drinking sufficient quantity of water and moisturizing the skin regular is a must in winter to maintain the hydration and texture of the skin.

Regular Exercise:

Lethargy, cozy blankets and winters go hand -in-hand. But an exercise routine will help you stay warm and boost the immune system helping you
fight seasonal colds and flu!

Dietary Caution:

Though Christmas and New year beckon with a lot of sweet treats and tipples, going overboard with them is an absolute no-no. Eating a diet rich in
proteins and omega three fatty acids help keep you warm and act as anti- inflammatory agents. With the right diet, you can wave good-bye to all stiffness,
aches and pains which are the hall mark of winter.

Fabulous Fiber and Vital Vitamins:

Dietary fiber is important to keep digestive issues at bay and surprisingly to boost immunity too. Loading up on fruits and veggies provide the necessary immune boosters in the form of Vitamin C, Zinc and Iron which reduce winter woes.

Sleeping Beauty:

Nothing like a snooze on a cold winter morning. The amount of sleep required may increase slightly during winters. Retire to bed a little earlier and you are all set to stay alert and fit throughout winter.

Getting Flu Shots on Time:

The ideal time to get flu shots is just before the onset of winter which will reduce chances of seasonal flu by almost 50%. Getting regular checkups if you are prone to winter bugs and keeping your surroundings spick and span also go a long way in staying winter healthy.


References: https://


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