The Quest for Eternal Life: Is Biological Immortality Within Our Reach?
Imagine a world where aging is just a concept, not a reality. A world where the ticking clock of life halts. Continue reading
Anushka Jain is a second year Medical student residing in Mumbai. She has a great interest in Fashion , lifestyle and Medical Science. Writing , Reading Novels and Cafe hoping are some of her hobbies . She believes in the thought -" Speak your Mind even if your voice shakes ."
Imagine a world where aging is just a concept, not a reality. A world where the ticking clock of life halts. Continue reading
Imagine you are living in the time frame of Ancient Greece. You fall sick and instead of going to a regular. Continue reading
" Turtles All the Way Down" is the story of a 16-year-old teen named Aza Holmes living in Indianapolis and her. Continue reading
Jane, a dedicated and experienced registered nurse, has been working in a busy urban hospital for the. Continue reading
Brain health – How many of you have thought about this before? We immediately rush to the doctor in case of a. Continue reading
There is a coming-of-age moment in the life of most medical students when they receive their first stethoscope.. Continue reading